Sharad Dahal

Student @IOE Purwanchal Campus

A Day of Unexpected Turns: Cancelled Exams, Burgers, and Unexpected Surprises

Today started off like any other typical exam day. I woke up feeling the familiar mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that I had an internal assessment scheduled. Little did I know, it would turn out to be a day full of unexpected twists and turns.

As I prepared myself mentally for the exam, news spread like wildfire among my flatmates that the assessment had been cancelled. You could practically feel the collective sigh of relief echoing through the halls. Suddenly, my room was filled with the jubilant chatter of my flatmates, all thrilled at the unexpected turn of events.

Among them, Pranil, my roommate, seemed to be particularly excited. He wasted no time in grabbing his phone and diving into the depths of social media. What ensued was a flurry of posts on Facebook, each one more entertaining than the last. It turns out, our mischievous group had taken advantage of Pranil’s open session to share a plethora of songs, much to his bemusement.

With the exam stress lifted off our shoulders, we decided to celebrate in the best way we knew how – with food. Burgers seemed to be the unanimous choice, and soon enough, we found ourselves at our favorite burger joint, ready to indulge in some greasy goodness.

However, fate had other plans for me. Just as I was about to sink my teeth into my burger, I received a call from my father. He happened to be passing through town and wanted to drop by. Grateful for the unexpected visit, I bid a hasty farewell to my friends and rushed back home.

As luck would have it, my father brought along a bag of Kurkure, my favorite snack. While I couldn’t partake in the burger feast with my friends, I found solace in the crunchy goodness of Kurkure as I caught up with my father.

Meanwhile, my thoughtful friends, Debendra, Pranil, and Chhabi, decided to bring the burger celebration to me. They arrived at my doorstep with bags full of burgers, still warm and inviting. Despite missing out on the initial outing, I couldn’t help but smile at the gesture of friendship and camaraderie.

In the end, what started as a day filled with exam anxiety turned into a memorable saga of cancelled exams, impromptu burger feasts, unexpected visits, and heartwarming gestures of friendship. It’s days like these that remind us to cherish the unpredictable moments and embrace the joy that comes with them.

As I reflect on the events of the day, I can’t help but feel grateful for the twists and turns that led to unexpected moments of happiness and connection. It goes to show that sometimes, the best moments in life are the ones we never saw coming.